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From Good To Great

Manufacturing Business Growth | Annual Goals | Ohio CPA Firm5 Ways You Can Improve Your Business

你很容易被公司的日常运作所困扰. After all, because it’s your 对于你来说,想要尽你所能确保一切正常运行是很自然的. 不幸的是,对日常事务的微观管理会让你忽视大局. Take a moment to stop what you’re doing, 退后一步,评估一下你的公司现在在哪里以及它的发展方向.


1. Be The Leader You Want to Be.

As a seasoned business owner, you know your company inside and out – when there’s a problem, you provide a solution; when a ball drops, you pick it up. 你能为你的事业做的最好的事情就是走出你的舒适区. 停止你的工作,开始你的事业. 如果你总是发现自己处于日常业务运作的中间, 你不太可能走在能够最大化公司长期价值的机会的前面. Be the leader your company needs. Stop putting out fires. Instead, start making waves.

Listen to episode 157, “Greatness Is A Journey, Not A Destination,” to hear Jeremy Senften, Rea’s chief operations officer, 在雷亚获奖的播客中讨论目标设定的重要性 unsuitable on Rea Radio.

2. Tell Your Story, Invest In People.

Why should people work for your company? What makes you different? 在当今竞争激烈的环境中,你是如何留住和吸引顶尖人才的? 首先要对你的事业充满热情,并与他人分享你的使命和愿景.

3. Embrace A Strategic Vision.

Every company should have a strategic vision. From financial objectives to operational goals, 你的战略愿景应该让你的员工对公司的运营和增长计划有一个总体的了解. 正式的计划还应该涉及公司的预算和财务预测. 适当地利用这些计划将为您提供做出更好决策所需的信息,从而帮助您获得最佳结果. 以下是您可以纳入战略的举措,以获得对行业的更深入了解,并了解如何更好地管理当前的财务和运营目标:

  • Benchmarking. 标杆管理是一种与竞争对手保持一致或领先的主动方式. 了解你的公司如何与竞争对手抗衡,并洞察当前的趋势, future opportunities and potential risks.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are critical to the management of your daily operations. In order to deliver results, 您和您的管理团队必须了解您正在使用的资源以及您如何受到影响. kpi还为管理层提供了对生产的洞察,并可以提醒领导注意潜在的风险领域. Financial statements are not KPIs. 财务报表描绘了你上个月的经营情况,通常不能及时完成,无法实时解决问题. kpi应该每天或每周开发和监控,以了解您是否获得了成功经营业务所需的结果. 这些kpi应该围绕员工的生产时间来制定, number of service calls, widgets produced daily/weekly, etc. 如果你知道并理解是什么驱动你每天或每周的利润, there should be no surprises at month-end.
  • Cost structure. It’s critical to understand your cost structure. Understanding what it costs to make, distribute and sell each unit of each product line, for example, 会让你更好地了解你在材料上花了多少钱, labor and overhead. 这些知识将使你更好地分配你的努力和资源. Unfortunately, many managers don’t understand the company’s cost structure, which puts the company at risk of losing money in the long run.
  • Budgeting and forecasting. Now that you understand your cost structure, 将你过去的业绩与你所在的行业进行对比,并知道你的kpi是什么, now it’s time to budget and forecast. Do you know your break-even point? 你知道销售量或价格的变化会如何影响你的底线吗? 预算和预测可以帮助你回答这些问题,甚至更多.
Strategic Vision | Company Growth | Ohio CPA Firm
Every company should have a strategic vision. From financial objectives to operational goals, 你的战略愿景应该让你的员工对公司的运营和增长计划有一个总体的了解. 正式的计划还应该涉及公司的预算和财务预测. 适当地利用这些计划将为您提供做出更好决策所需的信息,从而帮助您获得最佳结果.

4. Find a Trusted Advisor.

业内一个普遍的误解是,任何拥有注册会计师证书的人都可以正确地准备纳税申报表. 然而,会计行业法规和税法日益复杂化. 这就是为什么与一位值得信赖的顾问合作是很重要的,他会完成适当的培训,并保持所需的知识,以最大限度地提高税收抵免和减免,从而最大限度地减少你的税收负担, 允许您将省下的税款(法律允许)再投资到您的业务中.

值得信赖的顾问不仅仅是提供税务规划和合规服务的人. This person understands business; more importantly, they understand your business. 他们应该能够在业务结构方面给你建议, business operations, wealth management, debt structure, capital budgeting, costing and all of the topics noted above. Ideally, 你应该全年都和你信任的顾问交谈和会面,而不仅仅是在“纳税时间”.”

Read Also: Five Not-So-Secret Secrets Of Successful Businesses

5. Processes Are Important – Consider Going Lean.

随着精益六西格玛的广泛应用,制造业在90年代经历了重大变革, 通过在整个组织中引入更好的流程,哪些可以帮助公司变得更高效. Many companies outside of the manufacturing industry, however, have yet to incorporate Lean Six Sigma into their operations.

在过去的二十年里,很多事情都发生了变化,精益六西格玛的新用途已经被发现,它可以改善所有行业的业务. 考虑精益六西格玛作为一种方式,在您的业务的各个方面变得更加高效和有效. If you struggle to attract new talent, 当你需要事半功倍时,精益六西格玛可能正是你的公司所需要的.

这些只是你可以开始评估业务进展的一些方法. 如果你拥有一家公司,或者你想探索提高公司效率的方法, effectiveness, profitability and risk management systems, email Rea & Associates. 我们的团队热衷于帮助公司达到新的高度, mitigate risks and attract and retain employees.

By Kyle Stemple, CPA, CGMA, CEPA (New Philadelphia office)

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